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3 Must See Treadmill Desks

So you would like to get some work done while walking on your treadmill? Plenty of new treadmill models come with a smartphone holder. Thanks to these treadmill desks, you can work on your laptop or tablet:

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VIVO Treadmill Desk Riser: lets you use your laptop, tablet, and other devices on your treadmill handlebars up to 33 inches. This 29.5 x 11″ desk can be adjusted from 1.8 to 13.9″. It can hold up to 11lbs of load.

SurfShelf: a treadmill desk that holds your laptop or iPad. You can use it to bikes, ellipticals, and other exercise machines with velcro straps. It is made of polycarbonate and fully adjustable.

SmartFitness Treadmill Desk: a bamboo treadmill desk that measures 13.5 inches deep. It can expand from 21.5 to 36 inches wide. It raises your laptop, so you can type on it more easily.

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