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5 Decent Speakers for Kindle Fire

The Kindle Fire is not as expensive as the iPad but works great as a content consumption device. You can play music, watch videos, and do other cool things on your Kindle. Thanks to these Kindle Fire speakers, you can get a better audio experience on your device:

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iHome iK50B SMARTDESIGN Space Saver Speaker: an alarm clock and charger for the Kindle Fire. It plays and charges your Kindle Fire.

grace digital

Grace Digital MatchStick Speaker Dock
: you can use this to listen to your music or watch movies on your tablet. It has an optional 6 hour rechargeable battery.

kindle fire

Marware UpSurge Rechargable Mini Speaker for Kindle Fire: this is a portable, rechargeable speaker solution for the Kindle Fire. You can attach any media device to this using a 3.5mm headphone jack. It weighs 5.1 oz.


Kinyo Company Inc MS-150 Universal Tablet Speaker: this speaker has two passive sub-drivers that boost up the bass and sound coming out of your tablet. It works with the Kindle, iPad, and other tablets. The system has a USB output port for charging while you listen.


iHome Rechargeable Portable Mini Speaker for Kindle Fire: this speaker has built in amp powered by internal rechargeable lithium ion battery. It has a space saving design and can work with other tablets too.

Getting a speaker for your Kindle Fire enhances your audio experience on it. The above speakers are fairly portable and make listening to audio content on your Kindle tablet more enjoyable.

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