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3 Hard Drive Erasing Degaussing Wands

We all have to get rid of old hard drives after a while. You don’t want to do it without properly erasing your sensitive data. Crushing your hard drives is a start. Degaussing them is also important. These 3 degaussing wands let you erase your hard drives like a pro:

Proton 1100 Degaussing Wand: it has a magnetic flux sensitivity of 12000 Gauss. You simply have to open your hard drive and expose the disc to the wand. The wand works on floppy disks, hard drives and other memory devices.

Datastroyer 102-DG Wand Degausser: a NSA approved device for secure erasure of hard drives. It has a peak flux of 8000+ gauss and weighs only 2lbs.

Bartington Instruments Degaussing Wand: can deguass magnetic shields or other devices that have become magnetized. It produces the field by running an alternating current through a copper coil within the Wand.

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