Fitness & Health
3 Fitness Products for Pull Up Assistance
Many folks follow popular training programs such as the P90X to get fit. There is nothing wrong with them, but how do you keep up when you can’t even do a simple pull up? These 3 products can help:
Perfect Fitness Pullup Assist: helps you get stronger and maximize your pull-up workout. It attaches to any pull-up bar.
Rubberbanditz 41″ Pull Up Assistance: offers from 20 to 35 lbs in resistance. It helps you gradually build enough strength in your body to do pull ups without it.
Lifeline Pullup Revolution Pro: gives you a complete body workout. It is compatible with pull up bars and squat racks. It not only helps you do push ups but pull ups.
Have you found better pull-up assist solutions? Please share them here.