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4 Must See Drone Racing Gates

Drone racing can be lots of fun. You are going to need a bunch of quadcopters and racing gates for your course. Here are 4 drone racing gates you don’t want to miss:

Popular Quadcopter Racing Gates

LED Drone Racing Hoop Gate: a drone racing gate with built-in LED lights and pop-out design. They are powered by AA batteries.

StartRC Drone Obstacle Course: portable gates for FPV racing. They have a pop-up design and 6 sides for your drone to pass through.

Papair Airport Race / Obstacle Course: lets you build your own courses for drone racing. It comes with 9 rings, available in 12, 15, and 18 inches. These portable rate gate cubes come with ground stakes for stability on grass.

Drone Circuit Drone Racing Gate with LED Light: an airgate banner with LED lights. You get 6 ground stakes and 4 guy ropes. These have a thick fiberglass frame pole.

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