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7 Must-See Brinno TLC200 Accessories

The Brinno TLC200 camera is an exciting gadget you can use for time lapse photography and stop motion videos. Even if you are not an experienced user, you are going to have an easier time creating your own time lapses with this tiny camera. These Brinno TLC200 camera accessories enable you to get more out of your gadget:

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motion sensor

Brinno ATM100 Motion Sensor: attaches to your camera magnetically and captures movements within 4 meters. It is great for surveillance.

pan lapse

Pan Lapse: this is a slowly rotating pedestal for Brinno TLC series time lapse cameras. It can rotate 360 degrees in 60 minutes.


Brinno ATH110 Weather Resistant Housing: a very essential accessory for this camera. It allows TLC200 and TLC200 f1.2 time lapse video cameras to function well outdoors.


Mounts and holders: the good folks at Brinno have wall mounts and bike holders you can use to use your camera more effectively


Brinno ATLO45 Wide Angle Lens: pretty self-explanatory. This is a wide angle lens that enhances the capabilities of your camera.


Brinno ATS100 Stop Motion Shutter Release Cable: allows you to shoot stop motion videos with your camera. Just plug it into the extension port cover, and you are set.


Brinno ATP100 Camera Pouch: a simple pouch for your time lapse camera. It holds your lens, camera, and motion sensor.

You could always use more advanced cameras and tools to create your own time lapses. Brinno’s products are helpful if you have a tight budget.

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