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3 Awesome Augmented Reality Astronomy Cards

In this day and age, you can download all kinds of apps to help you learn more about the stars in the sky. With augmented reality, you can point your device to the sky to see what you are looking at. These 3 augmented reality astronomy cards can be used anywhere to teach your kids a thing or two about the plants and space:

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VictoryXR Space & Planets Deck of Cards: comes with 27 augmented reality cards and 27 text cards. You can use it to learn more about celestial objects, the history of the NASA space program, and a whole lot more. It also has games for parents and kids to play.

Shifu Space: comes with 60 cards covering various objects and space missions. You will be able to use these cards with your iOS/Android device.

myARgalaxy: augmented reality cards for iOS & Android that cover the sun and all the planets in our solar system (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto).

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