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3 Must See Audio Recording Blockers for Confidential Conversations

Our connected devices are capable of recording confidential conversations. You can always keep them away or use a secure audio recording blocker to stop eavesdropping. Here are 3 microphone suppressor devices you don’t want to miss:

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BugHunter Microphone Jammer: it can stop all types of eavesdropping devices. It uses ultrasound with speech-like noise to stop microphones from clearly recording your conversations. It is effective against smartphones. You can add additional ultrasonic speakers to create more powerful interference.

KJB NG3000 Rabbler Noise Generator: uses a speech-like noise to stop covert audio recording. It is cigarette-pack sized, so you can easily fit it in a small bag. It works against voice recorders, 3G bugs, body video cameras, and wired microphones.

HARP Mini: a compact device that uses ultrasonic noise to stop unauthorized recording. It can be activated with the touch of a button or through an app.

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