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7 iPhone Self Defense Cases

There are plenty of cases that can protect your iPhone against drops and scratches. With these iPhone cases, you can also defend yourself and get out of trouble:

Yellow Jacket iPhone 8 Stun Gun: protects your phone and helps you defend yourself. It also has a 3800 mAh rechargeable battery. It delivers 7m volt to stop any attacker.

Olixa X-Ranger iPhone X Case with Multitool: this case comes with a 26-in-1 multitool.It has a stand and card storage space.

Mantis Knives AP1 Case: comes with a knife and bottle opener. It has a 440c stainless steel blade.

Knucklecase for iPhone 7: this case gives you secure grip on your phone. It is available in colors.

Spraytect: an iPhone case with detachable pepper spray cartridge. Has safety mechanisms to prevent accidental firing.

SmartGuard Pepper Spray Case: makes sure your pepper spray is always with you. You can spray up to 8 feet.

ZVE Multifunctional Cigarette Lighter Case: protects your phone and lets you start a fire or light a cigarette.

Have you found cooler self-defense iPhone cases? Please share them here.


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