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4 1 TB Wireless Hard Drives for Android & iOS

Hard drives are not that expensive these days. You can get one to hold your videos, documents, and photos for around $100. You won’t be able to access the files you store on your hard drive wirelessly unless you pick up the right models. Here are 4 wireless hard drives with 1 TB storage you can access from your iOS or Android device:


Patriot Aero 1TB Wireless Mobile Drive : a portable storage solution for tablets, smartphones, and laptops. It can stream movies and videos to up to 5 devices.


Seagate Wireless Plus 1 TB Mobile Device Storage: a wireless drive with its own WiFi network. It has free companion iOS and Android apps. Allows up to 8 tablets and smartphones to access and store content. There is no need for an internet connection to use this.


Silicon Power Sky Share H10 Wi-Fi Drive: offers multimedia streaming for 3 iPads (up to 8 different device connections are possible). The drive has a 2600mAh lithium battery that lasts up to 5 hours.


Corsair Voyager Air 1TB Wireless Drive: compatible with iOS and Android. You can connect to it via Gigabit Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or USB 3.0. Lets you streams video to up to 5 users at one time. The battery lasts you 7 hours.

These 1 TB hard drives let you access them from your iOS or Android device wirelessly. They are not cheap but make you more productive.

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